
Consuelo Diaz de Valdes Navarrete

Before you start seeing my blog, let me tell you a little bit about myself. 
I’m an M.A. in Digital Humanities at Loyola University, born and raised in Santiago, Chile. I did a B.A. in Political Science with a senior paper on theories of justice and radical democracy, after which I underwent a Master of Arts in Modern Philosophy, specializing in early 20th-century Germany. 

Probably, you might be wondering about what led me to such a drastic change in career paths. Well, from 2019 to 2021, my country suffered many transformations: a deep social unrest and subsequent polarization of political discourse, the subsequent creation of a national convention tasked with drafting a new constitution, and, how to forget, a global pandemic.

All of this marked a point of inflection in my self-understanding as a scholar, and it led me to reflect on the public significance of my work. These reflections led to the creation of “Te leíste el texto?” (Did you read the text?) a podcast meant as a general introduction political philosophy to non-specialized audiences. I am extremely proud to say that, since its inception in July 2021, “Te leíste el texto?” has received over 18.6K downloads. Driven by the conviction that the humanities can provide meaningful contributions to social debates, I started to explore the potential of podcasts for disseminating knowledge to broader audiences, as well as, for changing our conception of the traditional classroom. It is this personal exploration that led me to discover the wonderful field we call ‘Digital Humanities.’

In 2024, I graduated from the M.A. in Digital Humanities program, where I fostered my interest in public humanities, feminist and multilingual DH. These areas now define me as a professional and are evident in my work.

Of course, life cannot be all about work! When I’m not thinking about the academy or podcasting, I like to bike around Evanston and Chicago, binding notebooks, looking for historic buildings in the Chicago area to share on my IG, and, most of all, taking care of my two lovely dogs.

From left to right: Pony and Rayen.

My Story

Do you want to know a little bit more about me? Here is my Instagram, where I shared a bit of my life.

Reach Out

I’m always interested in working on DH projects. Here is my E-mail !


Te leiste el texto?

Are you interested in my podcast? Please feel free to listening and review it <3 (is in Spanish)
